I've worked with many developers over the years. Writing to my daily email list, I've talked with thousands more. Overwhelmingly, I get the same questions over and over:

  • How do I know I'm doing the right thing?
  • In my daily work, how do I "level up" and work effectively as a top engineer?
  • Can I ever get over this feeling of imposterism & doubt?

My answer to all of them is the same: build good habits & routines. The rest will come with time.

Practicing good habits raises your baseline & makes you a better developer. Habits have compounding properties.

The difference is linear vs exponential.

Why this book?

After all that has been written about habits, what makes this book different?

I wrote this book to focus on the mindsets, principles, and routines that set top developers apart:

  • There’s an emphasis on small, sticky changes you can make to your daily work. Not huge, difficult routines.
  • I actively encourage you to stop reading the book when you’ve found something you’d like to apply. Action beats more reading & knowledge gathering.
  • The exercises at the end of each chapter help guide you to take action on each of the ideas. They also challenge your preconceived notions & beliefs about work.
  • Most of the book is spent on mindset & approaches to work. You’ll find very few “tactics” in the book. This is not a book of cool coding tricks or productivity tips. Instead, the habits I describe are far more strategic ways of thinking about software and how you produce value.

What's included?

106 pages of content on the mindsets, approaches, and routines of top developers.

This is my best resource for becoming a better developer.

Here's the table of contents:

What are people saying?

Here's the feedback from early readers:

This book is essential for any developer. ... My mindset about what success means has changed dramatically from reading this book, and I believe that it provided me with the right path to be successful as a developer.
-- Saar D.

"Habits of Top Developers" is a helpful guide on important mindsets and habits to hold and keep in mind as a developer. ... As a novice developer, this ebook definitely gave me insight that's going to stay. Would recommend it.
--Ratish P.

Bennett summarizes the most valuable lessons learnt from years of experience as a developer. As such, his book is a practical guide to take ownership of your growth in your current role and in your career. It personally helped me to take a step back and give me concrete ideas for improvement that I could apply right away. -- Romain B.

Lifetime access

When you buy the book directly from me, you'll get access to all future updates, for free, forever.

I currently offer the book in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • epub
  • RTF
  • TXT

An audiobook is possible soon!

Buying today you'll receive free access to all future releases, versions, and formats.

Why now?

Good habits have the power to raise your baseline and transform your career.

But they take time!

The effects are compounding. The benefits come months and years later as your habits subtly alter your career trajectory.

That's why it's critical to start as early as possible.

I guarantee you'll see some impact if you start implementing these habits this week. But more importantly, you'll be blown away by the impact these habits will have 6 months, a year, and 10 years from now!

The best time to plant a tree is a hundred years ago. The second best time is now.

Let's get started today...